Safety & Security
- Risk management for the test facility at the design stage
- Roadmap for further development for later stages
- Meet the requirements of the Austrian authorities for the test facility
- Development of an risk management methodology to be employed for related high-pressure air storage technologies
Approval procedure
- Underground installations in EU are subject to approval
- No EU-wide regulation exists
- National regulations must be satisfied
- Location of planned test facility: Eisenerz, Austria
- Coordination with Austrian authorities is required
Risk assessment and risk management
- During the state-of-the-art approach similar projects were reviewed.
- CAES power plants: Huntorf (GE)
- McIntosh (USA)
- Airlight Energy/ALACAES (CH)
- High-pressure natural gas storage rock caverns
- Large-scale heat storage in process industry
- The qualitative risk assessment approach is based on the ISO 31000 risk management.
Approaches from nuclear industry are adapted for RICAS2020:
- Widely accepted methodology exists
- Probabilistic Safety Analysis (PSA)
- Quantitative Risk Analysis (QRA)
ALARP principle (As Low As Reasonably Possible) is used to narrow the appropriate risk analysis approach: